Picture Book | The Listening Walk by Paul Showers


'The Listening Walk' by Paul Showers

Target students:  Lower-grade - Grade 1, 2, 3
National Core Art Standards:
-MU:Re.8.1.1 - With limited guidance, demonstrate and identify expressive qualities that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.

Essential Questions:
-(Can students mute and un-mute their mic?)
-(Can students click the link given and move to another site?)
-Can students present their part in the story? Conveying the characteristics of the sound of the object they are representing?

As we explore the sound all around us, we are going to experiment with the ways we can imitate that sound, not only with our voice but with the objects around us. How will you make the sound of a lady walking in her high heels? Maybe tap your finger or pencil on the surface of the table? The lady in her high heels has started to run~ How will the sound be different this time?  

While the lesson activity itself will be fun and interactive, the main purpose for this lesson for me is to exercise students' use of the online Google Meet functions, plus listening skills (I am writing this as am preparing for the fresh new school year~ 'Online' (sigh)).  Students will exercise muting and un-muting their mics while they take their turns to share their ideas, and present their assigned 'sound' in the story.  

This lesson will ease us into our new school year, as we explore, discuss, and present the sound introduced in this picture book.  

Lesson Instruction: 

  1. Listen to the Book on YouTube: 
    or read the story to the students:

  2. Go over the sound in the story, and write down the names of the students who will make the sound:  Grade 1.  Grade 2.  Grade 3  (*These are the slides with added comments and questions for the students.  I have 3 same slides here, so I can write down the special ideas students come up with and names of the students who are going to be responsible for the sound when reading again as a class)
    1. Practice that only the students who are presenting turns on the mic.  When their turn is done, mute the mic.

  3. Read again with the students filling in the sound.